2024 Omaha MIG Positive Image of Nursing Awards Breakfast
Saturday, April 27, 2024 (8:30 AM - 12:00 PM) (CDT)
The Nebraska Nurses Association (NNA) - Omaha Mutual Interest Group, continues its annual tradition of honoring outstanding Professional Registered Nurses, whose commitment and dedication exemplify a "Positive Image of Nursing." We invite you to attend our annual Positive Image of Nursing Awards Breakfast on April 27th at the Scott Conference Center in Omaha. This event is supported by local healthcare systems and area colleges of nursing.
We offer two ways to register for the event - 1) as an individual and 2) by the table
Individuals seeking to participate and register on their own, not with a table, may register online by clicking the Register >> button. Individual registration is $35.00.
Organizations/Hospitals who wish to purchase tables for the event, with seating of up to 10 per table, may also register online by clicking the Register >> button. You will select the registration type, Table Registration and enter in the information requested. You will be required to enter the names of the individuals who will be seated at your group's table, along with the organization/hospital you/they are affiliated with and the email addresses of each individual. The cost is $350.00 per table.
Registration Opens: February 1, 2024
Registration Deadline: April 8, 2024
Doors Open: at 8:30 am and the breakfast buffet will open at approximately 9:00 am.
Nominations are open February 1 – March 25. Honorees need not be members of NNA, but they must be a Registered Nurse. Please nominate only 1 honoree per unit.
Please have the following information on-hand for each nomination:
- Honoree Name & Credentials: (including credentials during the nomination process is very important; information will appear on their certificate exactly as entered)
- Photo of nominee: may be a headshot or good quality image.
- Honoree Email: (Honorees will receive a direct invitation email with location and times)
- Honoree Place of Employment: (no acronyms please, and include unit/clinic if applicable)
- Honoree Position or Title: (no acronyms please)
- Nominator's Name:
- Nominator's Email
- Nominators Phone Number:
- Nomination Statement: 100 words how, on a daily basis, this individual promotes what being a nurse means.
Nomination Deadline: March 25, 2024
Registration and nominations questions, please contact the NNA Executive Director, Kim Houtwed at director@nebraskanurses.org
6450 Pine St
Omaha, NE 68106 United States